The first step to recovery can rest in the arms of your list of possibilities
Christine Written
4 min read
Possibilities, one of my favorite words. It holds the ring of choice and the note of freedom and lays on a fresh white blank canvas before you. Just like opening the blinds in a dark room invokes an instant emotional response, exploring realistic possibilities can make the mind start painting in brighter colors. A sun filled window is a reminder there is life beyond ones own current situation. A list of possibilities is a reminder that life is still to be lived, not just someone's life, but your life. Mentally opening the curtains can start with thinking about your realistic perpetual possibilities.
How do you soar in the fresh breeze of possibilities while sitting next to the realities of life in recovery? Look at what you can do, not what you feel you cant at the moment. Reaching the kitchen after a month in bed is an accomplishment! It requires willpower and reveals that you can look forward to moments of sun. Picking up a new hobby while in bed? This too, will induce the positive and beneficial healing emotion of hope. Setting and attaining goals can restore your dignity after a health set back and give you a marker to realize and appreciate your personal ability to recover.
To make a plan that is attainable, think in small steps. Daily achieving a goal can build progressive capabilities that leave imprinted memories that will restore colors to the gray areas of your mind that have not found the inspiration to laugh in a while.
So with your favorite coffee mug in hand, lets build your list of possibilities...
Remember when your life felt more simple? Simple joys, giggles with friends, and a list of your favorite things. Mine was Fridays, blue jeans, and crocheting by the fireplace with my mom. Your list of possibilities should start with a list of your favorite things. As silly as it seems, ask your childhood questions again :
What's your favorite colors? Some evidence suggests that colors help the mind develop and heal. Which ones is your brain asking for now? Placing them in view, wearing them, or reading books laced with them can bring some positive results!
What's your favorite animal? Animals can calm us during times of crisis and give us a break from the dull moments. There is a reason that cat videos dominate online.
What's your favorite flower? Do you have any reminders surrounding you that you are cherished and valuable? These touches of TLC, Tender Loving Care, even if they are from yourself, can restore the strength of your bodies ability to recover.
What's your favorite food? Have you ever craved pizza? Our brain has the ability to remember what we have tasted and eaten and extracted beneficial vitamins and minerals from during our life. Not surprising to me, Pizza is the most desired item on my clients brain's wish list. Why? It's got everything in it! Carbs, sugars, tomatoes, cheese, proteins and veggies! But remarkably enough, our brain can even tell us what specific kind of pizza it wants. Mushroom pizza on your mind? It might be the mushrooms that are calling your name. What we crave can lead us to the right nutritional table.
Where do you dream to travel to? Recovery involves color. Don't just think place. Ask why you want to go there. Is it full of blue ocean, green sloping hills, yellow buildings, or full of memories of food and smells you loved? You can extract an indication of the colors and natural items that your body wants to engage with at this phase of recovery. If you can travel to a destination, check out my blog "Travel plan".
What smells hold your happiest feeling? Smells rings bells. What bell are you ringing? Do you crave the comfort of apple pie? Don't eat the pie. Get the healing and rejuvenating natural oil those bells are ringing for. The memories of these delicious smells might hold the key to revitalizing your emotional and physical well being, boosting your recovery in the right direction. (See my blog about Natural oils and visit the Natural solutions section of my website to get them at a better price.)
What's your favorite blanket? There might be a significant reason why our baby blanket was cherished until age 16. Ok, everyone is different. lol. But in reality, at birth in the 21st century, we entered into a synthetic world. That cotton, organic, comfy, "sleep like a baby" blanket was the one that our skin and electrical system rejoiced in. Chances are, natural fabrics are still your bodies favorite choice. We are made from the same materials as the flowers are. Tender loving care during recovery can include a nice hug from natural fabrics.
What's your favorite outfit you have ever had or have now? The color and fabric probably has a lot to do with it. Ask more questions. Do I look good in this color? Does this outfit feel comfy, confident or feel good on the skin? Getting yourself into the right items during recovery can lift up the emotions and bring back some confidence, even better sleep and increased energy. See my blog The touch of fabric".
Your answers to these questions should form the base of your recovery goals and even your travel choices. Check out my blog "Travel Plan" and "Recovery in color"
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